Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting

Logistics and supply chain determine the success of your organization. Efficiency and continuous optimization have the greatest impact. Our consulting team specializes in the strategic development, planning and implementation of logistics projects as well as the designing and running of training courses.


KNAPP AG Human Potential

The continuous development of the technology provider also involves investing into people. Our realistic SCM training courses have challenged and inspired KNAPP staff for 10 years now.

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Martini Sportswear Central Warehouse for Martini Sportswear

Modern technology (AutoStore) and professional planning ensure that the processes in the new central warehouse will be even more resource-efficient in future.

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Utilize your Full Potential

Our service commences with a nonbinding initial consultation, preferably on site. Together we analyze the potential in the project and plan the decisive steps in a practice-oriented manner. We will gladly accompany you through the implementation.

Mayr-Melnhof Holz Timber Plant incl. Fully Automated High-bay Warehouse

A tailor-made logistics solution that ensures the continuous flow of materials from source to dispatch and simultaneously interacts with production.

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